Matt Babisak
Coach Babisak is in his 3rd year as Athletic Director for Faith Lutheran School, coordinating athletic teams and events for elementary through high school. He is the Physical Education teacher for grades K-8, as well as the Dual Credit Science Instructor through Concordia University Nebraska.
In addition to these roles, he also coaches flag football and soccer.
He has 16 years of education experience, and has served in large public schools as well as Lutheran private schools.
Coach Babisak, with a master’s degree in Athletic Training, has been a licensed and certified Athletic Trainer since 2008, assisting students with injury prevention, response, and rehabilitation.
He is married to his lovely wife of 22 years, Jennifer. They have 4 children, one an FLHS graduate and 3 daughters enrolled in the school currently. He is a graduate of PK-12 Lutheran schools.
He can be reached at mbabisak@flsplano.org or 972-423-7448 ext 3110.